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Docs about EF devops team operated mainnet (or testnet) nodes API access

API Access for Mainnet Nodes

Authentication to access the node's API is required. If you don't yet have an API key and you would like to make a query the mainnet nodes contact Barnabas directly or the devops team. Authentication tokens have to be passed as a header. The current available URLs are as follows:

Execution Layer Clients

  • Direct the API call to any EL clients (besu, erigon, geth or nethermind)

Consensus Layer Clients

  • Direct the API call to any CL clients (lighthouse, lodestar, nimbus, prysm or teku)

Region specific API call

We currently operate in 2 regions, Europe (Berlin) and North America (Boulder).

If you would like to target speicifc regions, you can do this by using the na1 or eu1 prefix.


NOTE If you do not specify the region, it will be targetting the eu1 servers.

Currently available endpoints for consumption:


Consensus layer calls

Execution layer calls


Consensus layer calls

Execution layer calls

Further Examples

  • Directs the API call to any geth-CL node (note CL will be round robin selected) - execution layer API endpoint, aimed at geth endpoint

  • Directs an API call to lighthouse-EL node (note EL will be round robin selected) - beacon API specific call aimed at lighthouse endpoint

  • Directs an API call to geth-lighthouse node - execution layer API endpoint, aimed at geth endpoint

  • Directs an API call to lighthouse-geth node - beacon API specific call aimed at lighthouse endpoint

Example API call for EL:

 curl \
--data {"method":"web3_clientVersion","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"} \
-H "CF-Access-Client-Id: $client_id" \
-H "CF-Access-Client-Secret: $client_secret" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST https://geth-lighthouse.$

Example API call for CL:

curl \
-H "CF-Access-Client-Id: $client_id" \
-H "CF-Access-Client-Secret: $client_secret" \