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General documenation about connecting EF VPNs

We use wireguard as our VPN of choice. Our wireguard setup allows you to get access to the EF Berlin office as well as the EF Boulder office. If you need a third, private and secure VPN just for your teammates to access servers you host on our infra then please reach out to the DevOps team.

The below guide assumes that you have wireguard installed (Run wg --help to check). If you are using a macOS machine, you can also install wireguard GUI from the app store.

Before you reach out to EF DevOps to get access, please generate a wireguard public key and share it with us:

  1. Create a public-private key pair: umask 077 && wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

Once we have the pubkey, we will assign an IP to you and a preshared key. Please place those values in the config files and then follow the remainder of the steps defined in Client Startup.

Client configuration

Client configuration for Boulder:

  1. Create a wireguard.conf file following the wireguard-client-config below
  2. Provide the public key to barnabasbusa/parithosh on discord or anyone from the ethpandaops team.
PrivateKey = [yourPrivateKey]
Address = X.X.X.X/32

PublicKey = Gh7UqjaA2IzrcB9ZNiFco7zVpwHmCeFCHLuny/UETw0=
PresharedKey = [presharedKey]
AllowedIPs =, X.X.X.X/32
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 15

Note: X address and presharedKey will be provided to you in order to authenticate your device. youPrivateKey is the key generated in earlier step 1. (Related to the shared pubkey).

Client configuration for Berlin:

  1. Create a wireguard.conf file following the wireguard-client-config below
  2. Provide the public key to barnabasbusa/parithosh on discord or anyone from the ethpandaops team.
PrivateKey = [yourPrivateKey]
Address = X.X.X.X/32

PublicKey = Z4iicKvlim92Et+xxjYAD54rJ4DcYhdoeuZoxAfTCTA=
PresharedKey = [presharedKey]
AllowedIPs =, X.X.X.X/32
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 15

Note: X address and presharedKey will be provided to you in order to authenticate your device.

Using the VPN

Client startup:

Each client is a single device, if you would like to have multiple devices accessing the VPN network, please create another client for the other device and inform us of the same.

  1. Run wg-quick up ~/path-to-client-config/wireguard.conf
  2. Test connection with: ping for boulder and ping for berlin. Or with ping domain.ef-boulder<or berlin> (domain example: smc-boulder-01.ef-boulder).
  3. Optionally add it as a systemD service or as a terminal shortcut.